Thursday, June 30, 2011

MRCB, Yinson, BCorp, Hiap Teck, KNM

KUALA LUMPUR: With the FBM KLCI closing at a historic high of 1,575.01 on Wednesday, June 29, aided by a late nudge of selected index-linked stocks, investors would want to watch if the index can extend the gains.

With the second quarter coming to a close on Thursday, 30, perhaps it is possible to see mild gains due to window dressing. However, investors may have to brace for some profit taking before the KLCI can build a stronger base to scale higher.

External factors including the Greek debt issue would be in focus on Thursday. Reuters reported equities gained strongly and the euro rose on Wednesday as investors bet on the ability of Greece's government to pass new austerity measures designed to prevent the country from going bankrupt.

Stocks to watch on Bursa Malaysia include MALAYSIAN RESOURCES CORP [] Bhd (MRCB), YINSON HOLDINGS BHD [], Berjaya Corp Bhd, HIAP TECK VENTURE BHD [] and KNM GROUP BHD [].

MRCB is collaborating up with the Korean Teachers’ Credit Union (KTCU) to collaborate in potential future projects.

KTCU is a Korean government guaranteed welfare agency with about US$17 billion of assets under its management and nine affiliated business organisations.

KTCU is an investor of two real estate funds established by HanaDaol for two projects in Kuala Lumpur Sentral, which are Tower 2 Lot G and Q Sentral, with a total investment value of RM660 million.

Yinson and its partner Petrovietnam Technical Services Corporation have secured a US$331.15 million (RM1.01 billion) to provide a floating storage and off-loading (FSO).

The total contract value of RM1.01 billion was for 20 years, of which RM626.81 million was for the firm period of 10 years and the remaining RM383.20 million was for options to extend for another 10 years in four different periods.

Yinson will have a 49% stake in JV and PTSC 51%. Yison’s cash injection in the JV is expected to be RM55.125 million.

To finance it, part of it would be from a renounceable two-call rights issue of up to 131.85 million rights shares on the basis of three rights shares for every two existing shares held.

Yinson's net profit of RM7.14 million for the quarter ended April 30 versus RM4.67 million a year ago. Revenue was higher at RM196.80 million compared with RM184.31 million.

However, Yinson has only cash and bank balances of RM4.74 million as at April 30, 2011 while receivables are RM260.23 million. Short-term borrowings, categorised under current liabilities, are RM138.88 million.

Berjaya Corporation’s fourth quarter earnings fell 27.9% to RM103.61 million in the period ended April 30 from RM143.85 million, partly due to the impairment in value and losses from sale of investments.

Revenue was RM1.87 billion compared with RM1.89 billion while earnings per share were 2.37 sen compared with 3.39 sen. Its pre-tax profit of RM261.61 million was a decrease of 12.2% from RM298.06 million a year ago. It proposed a 2% single-tier exempt dividend per share.

For the financial year ended April 30, 2011, the net profit was RM348.08 million compared with RM79.99 million in FY10 while revenue was higher at RM7.11 billion compared with RM6.75 billion a year ago.

Hiap Teck’s net profit slumped 67.8% to RM5.42 million in the third quarter ended April 30, 2011 from RM16.87 million a year ago but the steel maker expected domestic steel demand to pick up.

Revenue declined 18.3% to RM236.45 million from RM289.62 million while earnings per share were 1.69 sen compared with 5.24 sen. Hiap Teck said pre-tax profit of RM8.20 million was 64% lower than the RM22.56 million a year ago.

KNM Group Bhd is tendering for about RM17 billion worth of contracts as at end-May and expects a success rate of about 20%.

Group managing director Lee Swee Eng said he was also positive on the outlook in the second half as the contracts secured last year were now being realised.

"For our tender book, the success rate before 2008 was in the range of 25% to 30%. But since the last two years due to the competitive market, we have seen our success rate at 20%. So assuming that you can get 20% of RM17 billion, maybe we have a prospect of RM3.4 billion of new orders," he said.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011















……由于长期体力劳动,吃的是自家种的菜、养的猪,小强身体一直很硬朗,慢慢就恢复了。由于长期熬夜加 班、小明喝酒应酬、工地食堂饭菜也很差,身上落下很多毛病,很快就去世了。




Monday, June 13, 2011


1。基本面分析 Fundamental Analysis
2。技术性分析 Technical Analysis

基本面分析 Fundamental Analysis,是通过新闻,经济成长等的信息、报告、 该国政府机构所公开的数据,来分析出未来或者即将会出现的走势。很多初学者接触时,会认为正面的信息,必带来货币强化,所以就买入该国货币。这个逻辑的确合理,可是事实又岂会那么简单。以下的顺序就是淘汰基本面分析的散户的经历。

1。英国公布Consumer Price Index (消费价格指数)上升。

6。英国公布Consumer Price Index (消费价格指数)上升。
7。散户一直有留意英国经济走势的新闻。同时还检查过这一个月来Brent Crude(英国综合原油价格),再加上国际原油价格两者都上升不少。

12。英国公布Consumer Price Index (消费价格指数)上升。
13。散户一直有留意英国经济走势的新闻。同时还检查过这一个月来Brent Crude(英国综合原油价格),再加上国际原油价格两者都上升不少。而且英国多家私立银行高层同时表示近期和国行接触频密,很快就会升息了。
14。散户的分析:成长缓慢,原油高涨,百物涨价。连银行家都说会升息。好!英镑会升,我买英镑!(信心 x 200% 满满)


更有趣的是,该国政府所公布的数据究竟可不可信。我举个实例就是在上个月,5月15日,日本所公布的Core Machinery Order(机器订单)数据。这个Core Machinery Order数据是在3月份结束后的40日才公布的,换言之,这份数据是3月的综合机器订单报告。日本3月11日发生了历史上的9级大地震。其后,影响到核电厂,让该国电源输送不足。日本政府为了应付电源输送给住家地区惟有减少用电量高的工业区。Toyota、 Honda、 Nissan和Sony暂时停产。预测下跌负数9.7%。但是事实上,这个数据不大减,反而大增2.9%。


技术性分析 - 技术迷信病






大户vs散户 (在附上刚刚发生的实例)

大型基金的确会在几个Majors和Cross Pair之间投入了资金。最常见的方法是对冲。数据对他们来说并非重要,可是散户对数据非常在意,让大型基金不得不忽视它的存在。因为他们要玩散户就必须要知道大部分散户的心态。而数据和新闻是最好操纵和综合散户买卖方向。所以我在第一节里面说过,基本面所给的信息与市场实际走势通常都不一样,但是我是靠基本面赚钱的。因为我要综合散户的投资方向和心态,分析出大型基金应对的举动,最重要最重要是该区域的中行和幕后大老板的意愿是什么。因为大型基金有时候也会遭殃,幕后大老板才是最高统治者。那么我永远都站在他们的影子,抓着他们的车边,赚你们散户的钱。幕后大老板,这五个字,听起来在外汇世界里头有什么大阴谋论。这我以后再说明。我现在暂时解释大型基金何时和怎样发动大型攻击。



所以我在第二节,技术迷信病当中,清除说出如果你不去了解你的技术分析为何会赚钱,只是盲目以过往记录来试验你这一个技术分析是可以赚钱的话,你会注定失败。首先大部分技术分析已经是一种Lagging Indicator(迟缓的指引),因为它通常来来去去都是依靠着市场走势走到一半时候出现confirmation(肯定性),才给你所谓的Signal。如果你是那种认为跟风就可以顺势取利的话,但是并未觉悟这些大户正在埋伏着,那么你将会是受害者。


欧中行主席Trichet即将会在记者招待会,说明他们的货币政策。这个记者招待会本已经设定日期和时间,只要翻阅财经日历都知道。至于Trichet的政策当然要到那个时候才知道。大型基金亦都不会预先收到内幕。可是,会做足准备功夫。昨日也就是2011年6月9日,我国时间晚上8时30分,正是这个欧中行主席讲解未来欧元货币政策和计划。只要Trichet讲一句,“今年内会升息”;就会很多人买EUR,EURUSD一定在两个小时内上升过百点。而事实他说了更轰动的说话:“我们(欧中行)已经进入一个模式,就是会在下一个欧中行会议(七月)中升息。可是我们现在并不是预先承诺大众。” 虽然不会是承诺,但是过往只提到升息,该货币就会猛然上升。更何况他暗示甚至明示七月就会升息。

当时Trichet说了这一句后,EURUSD瞬间上升了数十点。可是只是维持了数分钟,就大幅下跌,一去不回头,跌了百余点。到现在很多炒家都很无奈,根本就不知道为什么会如此。也有哪些马后炮的文章在解释,但是都是 牛头不对马嘴。



Amedia stock PE Ratio is very low, but does worth?

Amedia PE ratio is 8.1 (Dec 2010).
Growth is 100% (2011) PE ratio 4.1x, 71% (2012) PE Ratio 2.4x.
No net gearing and Amedia dividend yield is zero.
The above is using PEGGY Method to evaluate and the figures are by Philip Capital.

With the 35% additional shares due to proposed private placement, then the figures will be different.
2011 PE ratio will be 5.5x and 2012 will be 3.2x.

I have few questions. How Amedia can get so high growth rate. The growth rate are totally different from analysts forecast during IPO in January 2011.

Comparison on Amedia EPS 2012 forecast
RHB RM0.053 (forecast made in January 2011)
If we adjust for 35% proposed private placement, then the EPS will be RM0.039
TA Securities RM0.06 (forecast made in December 2010)

TA Securities RM0.11 (forecast made in May 2011)
TA Securities RM0.08 (forecast made in Jun 2011, adjusted for proposed 35% private placement)
Philip Capital RM0.12 (forecast made in June 2011)
Philip Capital RM0.09 (forecast made in June 2011, adjusted for proposed 35% private placement)

As you can see, during Amedia IPO, the earnings forecast by TA or RHB was just about RM0..06. Then slowly TA revised the earning upwards.

In Jun 2011 TA securities revised the earnings from RM0.11 to RM0.08 due to Amedia proposed private placement of up to 35% of the total issued paid up capital.

Why can have so high growth farecast within this few months?

Another question on Asia Media Group Bhd, why they are having proposed private placement of up to 35%? Why have so huge private placement? Any corporate governance issue?

For info, Amedia major shareholder is Wong SK Holdings Sdn Bhd.

Based on the above figures, if you trust that they can have so high growth? Then this stock may be attractive due to low PE ratio. But you must be remember that probably no dividend and whether you may get another sudden shock just like the 35% private placement.

You think they can have high growth?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

投資者趁低吸購 馬股本週打翻身戰













 該公司暫定6月28日上市馬股主要板,發售價定在3.38令吉,預計籌措4億2250萬令吉資金。 各板成交表現 6月6日至10日 5月30日至6 月3日 總成交量(股) 總成交值(令吉)總成交量(股)總成交值(令吉) 主要板 26億600萬 64億3300萬 32億3400萬 96億4300萬 創業板 7億9091萬 1億1753萬 4億9826.2萬 7783萬4000萬 總計 33億9691萬 65億5053萬 37億3226.2萬 97億2083.4萬

海外股市閉市起落 紐約道瓊斯指數 11,951.90 -172.45 倫敦金融時報100項股 5,765.80 -90.54

Dow, S&P end sixth losing week - is seventh on tap?

NEW YORK: The Dow and S&P 500 closed out their sixth week of losses on Friday, June 10 as further signs of a global economic slowdown set the stage for more losses ahead.

The deepening gloom raised the prospect for the S&P, which suffered its worst week since August 2010, to break below the year's low of 1,250 next week.

The Nasdaq wiped out its yearly gains on Friday and also posted its biggest weekly decline since August 2010, as the latest deterioration in sentiment came on fear of flagging Chinese growth and fresh worries about Greece's debt crisis.

The Dow closed below 12,000 for the first time since mid-March.

Reflecting the bearish sentiment, options traders eyed calls on the CBOE Volatility Index .VIX, Wall Street's so-called fear gauge, which moves inversely to the S&P 500's performance. The VIX rose 6.1 percent to end at 18.86.

"We broke below the April low, which was about 1,295 (on the S&P 500) pretty much at the open today. We are probably going to test the March lows if data next week remain weak," said Stephen Massocca, managing director at Wedbush Morgan in San Francisco.

"But investors are very susceptible to any kind of news and since we are very oversold here, we could see the market instantly bounce back if we get anything remotely good."

The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI fell 172.45 points, or 1.42 percent, to 11,951.91. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX slid 18.02 points, or 1.40 percent, to 1,270.98. The Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC tumbled 41.14 points, or 1.53 percent, to 2,643.73 at the close.

For the week, the Dow was down 1.6 percent, the S&P 500 was off 2.2 percent and the Nasdaq was down 3.3 percent.

The S&P 500 has fallen about 6.6 percent from its intraday peak early last month. Many see the benchmark index sliding back down to around 1,250, its March low, where valuations could bring investors back into equities.

At 1,250, the S&P 500 would be roughly 1.7 percent below current levels and approaching a 10 percent decline commonly referred to as a correction.


Bank stocks, already under pressure, finished lower, with the KBW Banks Index .BKX dropping 0.4 percent after sliding more than 2 percent earlier in the day. The Federal Reserve said it will subject more banks to annual stress tests to determine whether they have enough capital and can raise their dividends.

Some of the biggest decliners were regional bank stocks that are now going to face annual tests.

Northern Trust Corp (NTRS.O) fell 1.2 percent to $46.77 and M&T Bank Corp (MTB.N) lost 1.2 percent to $84.41.

But large banks, including JPMorgan Chase (JPM.N) and Bank of America (BAC.N), rose in a late rebound, on a news report that the extra capital charge on big banks will likely be 2 percent to 2.5 percent, compared with the widely predicted 3 percent, traders said.

Bank of America shares rose 1.4 percent to $10.80 and JPMorgan added 0.2 percent to $41.05.

The S&P energy index .GSPE declined 1.9 percent while the S&P index of industrial stocks .GSPI lost 1.6 percent.

China's sales to the United States and the European Union slumped to their weakest since late 2009, excluding Lunar New Year holidays, underlining the view that the world economy is stumbling.

In another negative for stocks, the euro tumbled more than 1 percent against the U.S. dollar as fears about Greece's debt returned to the forefront and investors curbed expectations about the European Central Bank's interest-rate hikes. Investors have been recently trading the correlation between stocks and the dollar.

The PHLX semiconductor index .SOX slid 1.7 percent, sinking to its lowest since early December. The SOX fell below its 200-day moving average for the first time since last October.

About 7.47 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Amex and Nasdaq, compared with the daily average of 7.59 billion.

Declining stocks beat advancing ones by 2,419 to 587 on the NYSE while on the Nasdaq, decliners beat advancers by 1,987 to 593.

How to price a warrant and the influence of "The Greeks"

There are six variables to consider in the pricing of a warrant:

1. The price of the underlying over which the warrant is issued

2. Time to expiry of the warrant

3. The strike price of the warrant

4. The expected interest rate

5. The volatility the warrant is priced at

6. The dividends expected over the life of the warrant Some of these variables have been given the name "The Greeks" on trading

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

FBM KLCI closes above 1,550-level

KUALA LUMPUR: ''The FBM KLCI closed above the 1,550-point level on Tuesday, June 7 as it pared down its earlier losses in line with the slight rebound at most key regional markets.

The 30-stock index shed 0.02% or 0.25 point to close at 1,551.89, coming off its intra-day low of 1,548.30.

Gainers overtook losers by 428 to 297, while 324 counters traded unchanged. Volume was 705.81 million shares valued at RM1.34 billion.

At the regional markets, Japan's Nikkei 225 rose 0.67% to 9,442.95, the Shanghai Composite Index added 0.60% to 2,744,30, Taiwan's Taiex was up 0.12% to 9,057.10 and Singapore's Straits Times Index edged up 0.07% to 3,115.95.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index shed 0.35% to 22,868.67 and South Korea's Kospi fell 0.65% to 2,099.71.

On Bursa Malaysia, Tahps was the top loser and fell 19 sen to RM4.60.

Shell lost 18 sen to RM10.62, BLD PLANTATION []s 13 sen to RM7.13, PPB and BAT 12 sen each to RM17.40 and RM46.90, Fututech 11.5 sen to 43 sen, RHB Capital 10 sen to RM9.83 and Cocoaland down seven sen to RM2.05.

MBSB's warrants were actively traded with 29.5 million units done. The warrants added 27.5 sen to 77.5 sen.

Other actives included Asia Media, HWGB, KNM, Axiata, Tenaga, Karambunai and UEM Land.

Plantation-related stocks were among the major gainers today, with Glenealy up 45 sen to RM5.88, Boustead 31 sen to RM6.16, NSOP 24 sen to RM5.79, Tradewinds Plantations 21 sen to RM4.13, Rimbunan Sawit 20 sen to RM2.62 and United Plantations 18 sen to RM18.88.

Other gainers included Tradewinds that added 74 sen to RM11.02 and Quality up 20 sen to RM1.50.

Friday, June 3, 2011

US new jobless claims fall less than expected

WASHINGTON: New US claims for unemployment benefits fell less than expected last week, according to a government report on Thursday that could add to fears the labor market recovery has taken a step back.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits slipped 6,000 to a seasonally adjusted 422,000, the Labor Department said. The prior week's figure was revised up to 428,000.

Economists polled by Reuters had forecast claims dropping to 415,000 from a previously reported count of 424,000.

The claims report falls outside the survey period for the government's closely watched data on nonfarm payrolls for May.

The government is expected to report on Friday that employers hired 150,000 last month, according to a Reuters survey, after increasing payrolls by 244,000 in April.

Initial claims have been volatile in recent weeks as supply chain disruptions from the March earthquake in Japan caused temporary motor vehicle plant closures.

Claims have also been distorted by bad weather in some parts of the country and problems smoothing the data for seasonal variations.

A Labor Department official said there was nothing unusual in the state-level data, but noted that four states and territories, including Virginia and Oklahoma, had been estimated because of the Memorial Day holiday on Monday.

He also said Missouri had indicated that floods were affecting claims in the state, but provided insufficient information to quantify the impact.

The four-week moving average of new jobless claims, considered a better gauge of labor market trends, fell 14,000 to 425,500.

Initial claims have now been perched above the 400,000 mark for eight weeks in a row. Analysts normally associate that level with steady job growth.

The number of people still receiving benefits under regular state programs after an initial week of aid slipped 1,000 to 3.71 million in the week ended May 21.

Economists had expected so-called continuing claims to dip to 3.67 million from a previously reported 3.69 million.

The number of people on emergency unemployment benefits rose 3,363 to 3.42 million in the week ended May 14, the latest week for which data is available. A total of 7.68 million people were claiming unemployment benefits during that period under all programs.

US factory orders broadly lower in April

WASHINGTON: New orders received by U.S. factories declined in April, partly because of a sharp drop in demand for transportation goods, according to a Commerce Department report on Thursday.

Overall orders fell 1.2 percent to a seasonally adjusted $440.4 billion after an upwardly revised 3.8 percent rise in March. That was steeper than the 1 percent fall that Wall Street economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast for April and implied some weakness in the factory sector that had performed relatively well until recently and helped support economic recovery.

Transportation orders plunged 9.3 percent in April, nearly wiping out a 10.6 percent rise in March orders. It was the sharpest falloff in monthly transportation orders since an 11.9 percent fall in December.

But order declines were widespread in April, affecting categories including primary metals, machinery, computers and electrical equipment in addition to cars and other transportation goods. '

FBMKLCI Analysis 2/6/11

Despite the overnight drop in Dow and the bearish regional market, KLCI increased by 1.6 points to 1558 with a lower volume of only 0.72b shares. Apparently there were late support of the index at the last 10 minutes of trading session. The resistance of 1562 will be likely broken tomorrow, if volume can be increased.